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Thursday, November 11, 2010

TG (it's almost) F

I am not going to be biased here, I'm just going to be honest.

I am fairly positive that my sons are three of the most adorable kids in the whole wide world.

Notice, I didn't say "three of the most obedient," just adorable. They can even make disobeying look cute.

Of course, I'm really talking about the older boys in the disobedient area.

Will's just cute, and occasionally grumpy when he is hungry.

This week has been pretty crazy in the area of "long!"

Today, Reed went to the dentist. He didn't have any cavities.

He also apparently hates the dentist because Abbey said that he HOWLED the entire time.

Thankfully, Miss Madrian was here to keep Will and Nash so that Nash didn't have to be terrified of the dentist too.

I was excited that Reed and Abbey got to come and eat lunch with me.

Nash has had a great week, but tonight is really funny.

He went to sleep tonight just fine.

However, he woke up again a few minutes ago.

Abbey said, "He really shouldn't be awake. He didn't take a long nap." Nash looked at her, put his index finger to his lips and said, "Mama! Shhh!" too funny.

The other night, Reed and Nash used cleaning tools to make our deck messier than it has ever been.

They did a great job making it messy.

Will was totally amused by it all.

Nash is one of the most loving little boys I've ever known. His heart just overflows with love for those around him.

Will, Nash, and Reed are so sweet.

They all are such happy little guys.

We are so blessed.


Sarah said...

pic #12 of this post just might be my favorite landlife pic ever. so sweet!

Anonymous said...

I am sooo homesick to see all of you. Loved talking to you on the phone today. Love, MOm, ennA

Megan said...

Blessed indeed!

Unknown said...

Will is soooo cute! Mei Mei wants to print it out and put it on the wall:)
I am touched when I see Nash kissed Will. that is too sweet.
