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Thursday, September 09, 2010

Welcome to NashWill: We're in SFO

Early this morning, our sweet friends Trudy and Brenda came to take us to the airport. Brenda prayed a prayer of safety and blessing on our family and then we set off.

Reed has had a blast on the airplanes today and didn't have any kind of troubles whatsoever. He had a slight amount of meltdown when we landed in San Francisco, but he is doing great now, because he is playing with Lola's iPad.

We arrived at our beloved EVA check-in counter and were treated so nicely. I wish that the USA airline carriers treated their customers so well.

If you go back to the September 2007 archives, you will see a similar picture of Abbey and me in front of this sign for Taipei. This time we have Reed with us and we're just waiting on Nash and Will!

Right now Reed is playing in the San Francisco airport and we are hoping that he will run his energy out quickly!

Our plane has arrived so it looks like we'll be getting onto our 12 hour flight in just a few minutes!

Now, you can enjoy a video of our day:

Travel To Taiwan from Jeff Land on Vimeo.


Kerry said...

I loved the video because I finally got to hear all your voices. And, Reed running down the airport was so cute! Have a fabulous time!!!!!!!

Peggy Schwalk said...

Praying for you all!
Peggy Schwalk

Mark & Kris said...

Praying for safe travels!! Makes me lonesome to go back to Taiwan! Can't wait to see you holding your 2 new little guys!